How Long Do Permanent Fillers Last? A Comprehensive Guide

Unlike temporary and semi-permanent dermal fillers, permanent dermal fillers are not decomposable, meaning they can't be broken down as quickly by the body. They are usually formulated to be injected into parts of the body that consist of thick skin, such as nasolabial folds, and can last up to five years or more. When it comes to cosmetic injections, permanent facial fillers may look attractive, given that they supposedly last a lifetime. However, substances that are permanent cannot be easily adjusted.

Time and aging will eventually affect skin and bones. Facial bones will shrink and atrophy over time. Using permanent fillers or permanent cosmetic injections can make you look “unusual” or unattractive in just a few years. Like any other skin care procedure, individual results may vary.

In one study, results at five years looked better than at three months or one year after the injection. Permanent fillers are recognized by the body as foreign substances that can often provoke an immune response. When the body detects a permanent filling, it can try to remove it by creating granulomas. This side effect occurs when the body's immune system contains foreign substances that they cannot eliminate.

A granuloma presents as a hard, often red lump, often where the filler was injected. The ingredients of the most popular dermal fillers, mainly collagen and hyaluronic acid, are biodegradable. Over time, the material is naturally absorbed by the body. Therefore, to maintain your softer and more youthful appearance, you should receive regular refresher treatments.

The time frame for it depends on the specific filling and where it is placed, but it is usually from a few months to a year. It's understandable to want permanent results from a dermal filler. However, permanent fillers are not always the best option. If, after treatment, you wanted to achieve a different result, try a different treatment, or undergo an invasive procedure, a permanent filling could complicate or limit your options.

Using permanent fillers can create unrealistic expectations in people who see it as a cure for everything; just like temporary fillers. New wrinkles can be treated with anti-wrinkle injections, and lost volume can be replaced with high-quality dermal filler injections, not limited to a permanent filler that suddenly looks “wrong” or “out of balance”. Temporary dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections can be modified to accommodate natural facial changes over time. Dermal fillers can work wonders for virtually reducing or eliminating facial lines and wrinkles, adding volume to lips and contours, and helping smooth the appearance of acne scars.

Dermal fillers are a popular means to rejuvenate a face with reduced volume or to improve certain facial features, such as the lips or cheekbones. He points out, “It took me 12 years to make temporary fillers before I actually decided to make permanent fillers. One of the disadvantages of permanent fillers is that there have been reports that a single injection of a permanent filler can develop foreign body-like cells, such as nodules. That's why she recommends this type of filler if you haven't had a dermal filler before and you're not sure what to expect.

Permanent fillers leave no room for growth, adjustment, or manipulation as the individual changes or when other parts of the face and facial bones begin to atrophy. In addition to the type of filler used, there are other factors that can influence the longevity of the dermal filler, explains Palep. Due to the low maintenance factor of most fillers on the market, some of the worst fears people have about long-term use of the filler are unfounded. If you're not sure which filling is right for you, your doctor can help answer your questions and guide you in selecting the filling that best fits the results you want.

And those approved fillers based on temporary filling solutions are superior for numerous reasons compared to options for permanent fillers or even lip augmentation surgery. Dr. Gavin Chan points out that once you have undergone a permanent filling treatment, you cannot mix it with temporary fillers because of the risk of developing an infection or complications, including sequelae.

Carole Toussant
Carole Toussant

Hipster-friendly analyst. Incurable zombie geek. Evil reader. Unapologetic coffee lover. Amateur web expert.